
Endless space 2 wiki over colonization
Endless space 2 wiki over colonization

Usually, it will be a population of your faction.

endless space 2 wiki over colonization

Next to it you can see an icon of a population that will appear there. When you select that system then under a planet’s name you can see three options and a bar that shows how much time is left to get the first population unit (3). The Automatons were created by a long dead civilization known as the Reyans who perished many millennia ago due to the gradual self-destruction of their world. These clockwork beings formed a strong bond with nature and keep to themselves when possible. The Automatons are one of the playable factions in Endless Space. But you must remember that those ships are defenseless against pirates and fleets from enemy nations. For an overview of all factions, see Factions. They start from your capital or system that you chose. Civilian ships with Food, that can speed up that process (2), will start flying on this planet.


It creates the first population unit by gathering a certain amount of Food that it produces by itself (1) (base production of a given planet plus production of an outpost). This is where a race begins – who can develop their outpost first gets the entire system. Much is told of the Endless-of their technologies, of their societies, and especially of the uncountable splinters into which their nation eventually shattered itself. If there are other planets that belongs to no one, other players can colonize them. The first to travel widely between the stars were known as the Endless. Although a given planet is under your control, its system is still neutral.

endless space 2 wiki over colonization

The second stage is to develop your outpost.

Endless space 2 wiki over colonization